Monday, January 25, 2010

Makeover Monday's - The Introduction

I have decided to add yet another segment to try and attract more readers to my blog.. I get the feeling I am either very boring, not writing enough or I have more readers than I know..

As those of you who know me very well I am a hairdresser, some of my client think of me as "a miracle worker" and then I have some who think I carry around a magic wand (if that was the case I would be skinny and have the best hair at all times and not to mention rich).  I have been a hairdresser or as I like to say Stylist for 14 years. I have worked most of the 14 years in Muscatine, IA.  I am not a self proclaimed know it all but I am very confident that I can accomplish almost anything. It has been thru the last many years that I have had trial and tribulations in the salon and have faced many a problems. Some accomplished and some not. Hey, I am human and I do make mistakes but I will try my hardest to give my clients what they want..

My clients are the best. I have the ones who aren't scared to try something new and I have those that just like to stick to the usual, some I can joke around with and some that I am serious with. I love and hold both types near and dear to my heart, after all they are all my bread and butter. My life line.. I am always looking at the new trends and I will be honest some scare me to death but that is what I like about my profession it is constantly changing.  I myself have changed too. I ended Cosmetology School with semi long hair and within 2 years I had short permed hair. For a year after that I grew it out to then turn around and cut it off again until 61/2 years ago when I grew it out again. In the process of all the cutting and growing I have had various shades of color as well. I have had red, red with blonde, dark brown with blue and blonde, dark red, blonde on the bottom with dark brown on top, dark brown, dark brown with blonde hilites, to now being almost all dark blonde. I am sure I have had more in between but these are the ones that I remember.

It's amuses me to think about how color use to scare me and I swore that I would never understand it and here I am today loving it. I would rather do a color than a perm any day. Color is my passion. It is where my creative juices kick in. I can take a color formula and make it my own. I feel the most alive when concocting a color formula or figuring out how to correct the famous "I used a box color at home and don't understand why my hair looks red , grey , green, or ashy?" or even better "I have used the same color for years and this time it looks black!" and yet another is "why does my hair look so splotchy?" HELLO!!! do you think it has anything to do with the fact that you "did it in the kitchen" I want to say but I just smile and figure out how to fix it.

Next week is the big debate over professional products vs. store bought products and how each affect your hair. If there is any topic (hair related) you would like me to talk about post it in the comments section following this blog and I will pick a new topic each week.


  1. Can't wait for next week! I use store bought products (sorry, please don't hate me because I'm trying to save a few bucks) but my burning question is....does salon hair color last longer? Thankfully I've never had a bad experience coloring my own...knock on wood. And I'm certain if I had a stylist as good as you, I would never do store bought again :-)

  2. I wish you were close so you could do my hair everyday. I would let you play with the color too... even though I love being blond.

  3. Melissa we need to get together every once in awhile.
