Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What's A Mom To Do???

I thought I would update since I haven't posted in awhile. (The days are flying by and I can't keep up.) The photo is of Dakota with her " fave dance teacher ever Miss Sammy" at the end of this past years recital.. We Love you Sammy :) Sam has been very understanding and full of advise since this all started..

Dakota has made it thru the last 2 weeks of dance class without the tears. Woo Hoo!!  It seems to me that all the "counseling" at school and at home has helped. She continues to work with Ms S. every Tuesday and tries to touch base on Wednesdays. Dakota informed me today that the girl that gave her the anxiety in the first place has been very thoughtful and kind. She maintains social distance but is working on the "forgiveness" part. It is hard for her because this had been so traumatic for her and wants to forgive but can't fully open herself up to more damage.

She told me today that she has been talking to another friend and that this friend has offered a lot of good advise and offered to listen and be there for her if she needed someone to talk to. This friend has surprised me in a lot of ways. First for being an understanding and compassionate person ( I had her pegged wrong) and second by giving some pretty good advise.

Dakota's passion for dance has returned and she isn't the 11 year old with the huge dark circles under her eyes. She has returned and is now dancing, singing and talking our ears off.

The power of prayer does make a difference and yes people he does answer just in ways that we don't expect. God sent Dakota a friend that normally you wouldn't expect to be there much less count on but I think it has been good for Dakota.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

More free stuff :)

Man I found yet another giveaway that my other blog fave Winn is hosting (she is awesome too)..Winn is giving away a very cute pair of earrings from TheresaJ's shop on Etsy..  Check it out oh and let her know I sent you :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Giveaway! I love free stuff !!

Since my cousin Amber is hosting her very first blog giveaway. I feel I should share this with everyone even though I would rather keep it to myself for shear selfishness. Simply put, I want to win it. It is a beautiful locket created by Indie Creations on Etsy.

Amber has turned me into a lover/stalker of Etsy not to mention she finds the coolest thing on Etsy. What is Etsy you ask? Well let me tell you.. Etsy is a whole other world of awesome, cool, eclectic homemade items from soap to jewelry, clothes to pottery and so on. You can find just about anything on Etsy. Amber (acrudele) has a shop called Confessions of a Crochet Addict on Etsy Check it out too because she is also having a huge $5.00 shop sale. She love to crochet things and is very creative.. I know I am kinda partial to her handmade goodies since she is family but honestly she has beautiful items.. Stop by and check it out and visit her blog What The French, Toast?