Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What's A Mom To Do???

I haven't "blogged" in a week due to illness clouding my inspiration to blog. Gotta love Iowa in October..

My 11year old daughter Dakota had "melt down" at dance class tonight.. I will back up a bit and give you an idea of her personality.. My sweet little blonde haired Dakota who mind you lives, eats and breathes dance. We can be at the grocery store and she is dancing down the isles, while waiting in the checkout line and so on. The rule in our house is that homework is first and foremost. This means no tv, cell phone, Wii, DS, computer (unless for home work of course, I know I am soooo mean ) no extra curricular activities and such. Tuesday's are a busy day for our family . The girls get out of school at 3pm and get home usually at 3:15. Dakota's dance classes start at 4pm and she gets done at 8:30 with a 6pm to 6:30pm break for dinner.. Since school comes first she has rouhgly 45 min to get any homework done. Crazy I know.. So getting back to the delima of the melt down. We get home after school and she is working on her math and she out of the blue tells me she wants to quit Jazz.. I almost lost it because this is one of her favorite classes..So being the nosy mom that I am I proceed to ask if she is having problems with anyone in her class and of course she tell me no... I try to pry a little more to no avail I can't get to the bottom of it.. I decide to break my own rule and let her go to dance and take her work with her to do on break since she had only a few math problems left.. We load up in the van and go to dance class and she realizes she for got her water and deides she would rather have a Gatorade. I had left my purse at home since the studio is a few blocks from our house so I go home get money and stop at the store to get a Gatorade. I walk into the studio and there sits Dakota with her math work spread out infront of her and she is crying.. I ask "What's wrong" She doesn't answer. I ask a few more times and then make her pack up her work and bring her home still trying to figure out what has happened. To no avail I get no where .. About 2 hours later I discover that there has been issues at school with a group of friends some of which are in her dance classes.. I find out (long story short) Dakota is trying to be the peace keeper and gets herself dragged into the tiffs between her friends. These tiffs end up resolving themselves with in a day but  I am finding it is an on going problem . So my wise Mom advise is to be nice to everyone involved and let them fight their own battles. She is 11 and I am afraid she is  headed towards ulcer city if she doesn't stop. She gets herself so worked up over this she is making herself sick.  So my question is What's a mom to do  ??


  1. Pray....this is only the beginning :-) And sometimes prayer is all we have!

  2. There is a book for this, for young teen girls, and I don't know the name because my daughter is 6! AUGH! I wish I could remember the blasted name!

    My daughter had problems in dance class w/ mean girls already! One time I was helping her with her shoes on the floor and she said she was sad because some of the girls were mean to her, one of them was near her. I couldn't help myself! I said in a loud, stern voice, "mean girls are not nice girls and they don't make good friends so don't worry about the mean girls and stay away from them!" And you what that girl said? "I am nice." I shot her a look, and though I felt bad after, the girl DID change her attitude. Argh...Hope all goes well for your daughter!!
