Ok so last week we had the "melt down" at dance class. This week we were "sick with a headache" about 15 minutes before dance class.. I let that one go and kept Dakota home for fear she was actually getting sick..
Tonight is Youth Group night at our church and we get to the church. I went in to talk to Pastor Daniel ( the Youth Pastor) about the up coming Youth Convention. I head back out to the van and there stands Dakota's friends, who just a few hours before she was making plans with to meet up at youth group. Dakota was about in tears sitting in the van and the girls told me she had a headache. So I took her home with me and as her friends ran off to meet up with everyone else yells "We hope you feel better." So being the nosy mom that I am I start to pry. To no avail I get no where. Nothing. Not a single peep. Complete silence all the way home. I proceed to tell her that this is a little much and not sure what to say or do if she won't talk to me. I ask her if she wants to just stay home and not get do anything or is it that she needs to get into the doctor or chiropractor, she needs to let me know. I fear that this is the start of a pattern I do not like. It is to much of a coincidence that she starts not feeling well just before these activities. Maybe I am just reading to much into it and maybe I have failed her in some way. I don't know what the answer is but the one thing I know is I WANT MY DAKOTA BACK !!!! I feel a though I could just scream at the top of my lungs.. I just want to fix this and make her happy. What kind of advise do I give? Who do I turn to ? Do I find her a therapist? Do I whisk her away for a overnight and see if I can get her to open up? I need help!!! Terry is now getting concerned but not to the point I am..
Girls are tough to raise and I now feel sorry for all the mothers of girls out there. You deserve the highest praises for the tough job you have. I have heard more than once that boys are a breeze. Hard to say, but I do know that I have a feeling I am in for a long hard next 7 plus years. I just pray that God shows me the way...
I think this is going to turn in to a weekly segment.. Thanks in advance for the support...
Man we already see some of this in the ages we are dealing with now! I do a lot of role-playing with them, helping them to identify the issues and how to resolve different scenarios. It seems to help some (I have a boy and we are not breezing through anything!!!). I really want to just step in and take care of it all, but I am trying to be a strong support on the sidelines and equip them. I certainly don't have any answers, but prayer and constant offers to her for dialogue, peppered heavily with hugs and love should go a long way!!!