Last week I finally broke down and called the Primary Interventionist at school and asked her for advise. She advised and offered to talk to Dakota. When I picked her up from school her first words to me were "You called and talked to Ms S. didn't you?" I asked her if she was mad and she told me no.. We chatted a little about the conversation and she let me know that she was bothered by the fact that one of the girls she goes to school with made a comment about her dancing around all the time and was kind of making fun of her for it.. It bothered me a little at first only because it was killing her love for dance and dancing is her life..
The next day I received a call from Ms. S. and she told me that Dakota seem to become anxious the day of dance class each week due to a comment that was made by a fellow student. She also mentioned that several times in the conversation Dakota expressed her disliking of her size and making comments about her being short and tiny. Thank goodness Ms. S. (also being a small framed and shorter when she was younger) was able to connect with Dakota's situation and feelings. Ms. S shared stories of being teased herself. Ms. S. is also going to work with Dakota each Tues the last 15mins of school to prep her for dance class and ease the anxiety.
I feel relieved that I now know what part of Dakota's problems are. Hormones also came up as a possible culprit for the meltdowns on top of everything else. UGH!!! I tell myself she is to young to be going thru this already but that is just me being in denial.. I am not ready for my baby to grow up...